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Meet Juliette D'Udekem…

Meet Juliette D'Udekem…

Name: Juliette D’Udekem
What’s your go to daydream? Being near water
Favourite film you never get sick of? About Time
Who would be the first guest you would have on your own talk show? Celine Dion
If you could remove one thing from the world, what would it be? Global Warming
Lead or Follow? Lead

Juliette is represented by Five Twenty.

Juliette wears Zara blazer dress, stylist’s own earrings // Zara dress and earrings // Zara dress and earrings, stylist’s own tights// Juliette’s own shirt, Zara skirt, stylist’s own ear cuff.

Song of the Week: Ani Difranco

Song of the Week: Ani Difranco

Meet Jessica Roche...

Meet Jessica Roche...